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12 Consumption.png

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Less Can Be More!


Talk with other members of your Patrol/Unit how you can reduce waste.  Discuss ways you can be innovative in using resources or recycling.

Think about developing a way to grow plants or other crops more efficiently.



From your ideas design

REVIEW> with your Patrol.

Did the project achieve its goals and make a contribution to your local community?  Was it fun, challenging, adventurous and inclusive?  Did it involve the community and did they take an active part in the project.

Creating a Better World with text.png
Growth and Development with text.png
Stem and Innovation with text.png

SDG12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

Scouting@Home - Challenges and program ideas developed by Queensland Region Development Support Officer - Karl Lingard

Download the activity sheet here - SDG12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

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