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14 LIfe below the water.png

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resource

SDG14 - Life Below Water

Scouting@Home - Challenges and program ideas developed by Queensland Region Development Support Officer - Karl Lingard

Download the activity sheet here - SDG14 - Life Below Water

Creating a Better World with text.png
Enviroment with text.png
Growth and Development with text.png
Stem and Innovation with text.png

Amelia Heights (WA)

Cub Scouts - Redback Patrol

The Redbacks had an activity with two containers, one set up with beach sand that had metal ‘waste’ in it and another with water and toy plastic sea animals such as crabs and fish / sharks containing metal ‘waste’. The metal waste used were washers, and then the Patrols could use fishing poles with magnets to clean the ‘pollution’ from the sand or water.


Their second activity was to create posters to encourage all to use less plastics and keep drains clear of pollutants.

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